Month: August 2020

Portraits of NHS nurse Carys Petty and Junior Doctor Katelyn

Lots Road Group artist Rebecca Ashgar has just completed a portrait commission of Carys Petty from a photo taken on the day she qualified as a nurse.

Carys is currently working as a General Practise nurse in two different GP surgeries in South Wales as part of a primary healthcare team.

The commission, from Rebecca’s cousin, chimes with the theme of Instagram initiative #portraitsfornhsheroes which a number of LRG artists have taken part in, started by Portrait Artist Tom Croft.

Under the initiative, Rebecca, Martin Burrough, Christine Klein, Sarah Jane Moon, Maureen Nathan, Hilary Puxley and Stella Tooth painted free portraits to thank nominated frontline staff.

Some them finished their NHS portraits in time to be included in an online exhibition which can be seen at

One such portrait not previously featured on the LRG’s site is this sensitive portrait by Christine Klein.

Christine Klein’s portrait of Katelyn, a Junior Doctor who completed eight months ICU at Royal Brompton Hospital caring for some of the sickest Covid patients.